
Welcome to the world of my imagination. Populated by characters that could only originate in a mind that's severely in need of prozac!

Kidding, but seriously, since practically the first day I logged onto irc, i've been roleplaying and creating rather complex characters.

The characters I play are numerous and each have detailed backrounds, (well some of 'em do, and most of them have pictures to give you an idea of how I see the character.)


Kiera Truleson is a wood elf, thief and fighter, born and raised in the DreadWoods east of Greyhawk City, on the world of Oearth. She left home at and early age, to seek adventure and wealth. The chronicles of her journeys in that world may some day be known, but this one only chronicles her journeys in the land of Arangoth, the city of Drache.

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    Ashlan is a human woman, created through an act of revenge by a demon, of Kiera. But unknbeknownst to the demon, when he gave her Kiera's memories, he gave also gave her her determination, and sense of honor. Ashlan could, nor would live in the shadow of another woman, and set about creating her own identity and life. She was helped along by this, in one instance by learning of her ability to cast magic through her voice.

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  • KYLA:

    Kyla Redfern is a human teenage woman, born the oldest of three daughters to a retired knight and his wife, in Drache. Her beloved family was killed when a cloaked and hooded stranger set fire to their home one winter, killing everyone but herself, as she managed to climb through a window to safety.

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  • LYRIS:

    Lyris Havenford is a half elven bard of some skill, who comes from the world of Abir Toril, in the land of Faerun, in a somewhat quiet hamlet called Shadowdale. The only child of a reknowned bard and high preistess of Selune, she led a fairly solitary and sheltered existance untill she was sent on a mission by the Harpers, to Arangoth.

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  • JESSA:

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    Lilith is the only child of a Paladin and an elf that was nearly the last of her line. Also connected to a form of royalty through her uncle, the self styalized Paladin King of the region, she spent most of her days in quiet study in the temple of Mystra, prepared to devote her life to the goddess that had chosen her when she was still a child. That was not meant to be of course ..

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    Aeiren was born long enough ago to seemingly have forgotten when and where, she nevertheless remembers everything, including the circumstances involving the birth of her half-elven daughter and her subsequent banishment from her home by her own family. Forced to roam, she seeks cities and towns overcome by corruption and on the brink of disaster, seeking to put right what she once let go so wrong.

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  • DANYA:

    Danya was Born of the Rom, she was well loved and happy, traveling with her extended family from city to town, and town to village, plying their wares and generaly enjoying life. This all ended when they were cruely set upon by superstitious and angry townspeople. All but a handfull of them were killed, despite their many abilities to defend themselves ..

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    Kellan is the twin sister to Cassidy, daughter of the powerfull Arton Mistwood, former govenor of Elvendeep, and a Guard in the city of Drache. Her childhood was not idylic ..

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  • VENNA:

    Venna was born near the sea, it was her first love, eclipsed only by her dedication to Arangoth. As chief navigator for the Arangotian Naval airship the Soverign, her life, while not idylic, was comfortable, with a few friends and comforts to keep her comfortable. That all ended the night her friend Lex Kaisa seemingly died. Insenced with rage and grief, she tracked down the perpatrator, one Morgaine Kuriakolas ..

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    Sourrie was born in the Back alley's of Drache, to a woman that sold her body for coin and a father that she never knew.

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  • Brin:

    Brin Winter was the youngest of two, born to a cold horse trainer and his wife .....

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