Lilith was the only product of a union that by everything natural, should not have happened. Her mother, an elf from the Lewer valley on one of the Moonshae islands in the land of Toril, sought a union oustide of her own people. With the help of magic, and a prophecy, Liliths father, a human paladin, and her mother, brought her into the world. The niece of a King, Lilith had many advantages growing up, but none of them could stop her mother from taking a lonely walk one beautifull spring morning. She never returned. Heartbroken, she turned to her father, who told her as gently as possible, that her mother had stayed as long as she was able, to see her well on her way to womanhood, but that being the last of her people, she couldn't go on without others of her kind. Lilith took the news stoicly. It wasn't long after that, that she entered into the scared order of Mystra, trained to serve the godess of Magic as a divine link to her. Set away from her family, and the slowly creeping corruption within the Bisque family, she was surprised when her uncle summoned her to a private audience. It was then that she learned of her aunt Rochelles betreyal. The land was at war against an evil necromancer by the name of Blackpool, and Rochelle and stollen, and feld, with perhaps the only thing that could defeat him. Having always been closer than any member of the family to her strange aunt, she was charged with going after her. A party of protectors was assembled, and she kissed her father goodby, and set off into the mists, to a land called.... Ravenloft.....

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