Aeiren was borne into a life of wealth and privilage as the oldest child of the House of the elven House Araianad. Her life, for the most part was mapped out for her. What she would learn, and how she would learn it, what she should do and how to do it for the greater good of the King and the family.
That wasn't to say that she didn't steal away with friends, into the wilds, exploring around their homes, discovering who they were, and at that age, her family was iclined to let her find out who she was before they told her. It was an idyllic time of friends and family loyalty
By their very nature, these times do not last, and soon she was imersed in studies, preparing to enter Dersias acadamy. she would be a griffon rider, one of the kings elites. So the knew of war on the boarder of the closest human border did not bother over much. the humans were always fighting.
That thinking changed, when the Seer Adyanna prophesied that unless they helped in this war they would meet their destruction
Aeiren worked hard and surpassed most of her instructors goals for her, so that upon her graduation she was promoted to company commander. Once she graduated, she was given a posting in a human kingdom. Her fist duity would be to accompany one of the Kings dipolmats to set up an alliance with King Sineus.
Upon the eve of her leaving, she attended a ceremony in the Ladys Glade, where her mother presented with the family blade. Created by the elven sword maker Dasrein, and imbued with family spells. the ceremony bonded the blade with her soul