Ashlan was created in dark, dank, evil place, by a creature filled with hate and thoughts of revenge. Darwin had once been human, of a sort, but was now wholy a demon. A clone of an elven woman by the name of Kiera, unknbeknownst to the demon, when he gave her Kiera's memories, he also gave her her determination, and sense of honor. Ashlan could, nor would live in the shadow of another woman, and set about creating her own identity and life. She was helped along by this, in one instance by learning of her ability to cast magic through her voice, and in another by the love of a good man, who's powerful father gave her the gift of her own physical identy by changing her appearence through an act of perminant magic to what she looks like today.
For a while Ashlan was content. Married to her husband and expecting their first child. They lived in Drache. When Gerrat was born, she was the happiest woman in Arangoth and she doted on him and his father as she worked to make her magic, through her naturaly beautiful voice, more powerful in order to protect all three of them.
But there were dark forces on the move in Drache. A group of creatures who called themselves the Nevermores. Quasi demons that seemed to feed off the pain they inflicted on others. Ashlan and others clashed with them constantly, and durring one such skirmish, ashlan was captured and enslaved by one called Niko.
Bonded to him in a way that only death could end .. she chose death, and took the staff that darwin had given her when she'd been created, and blew her head off in the arena rather than submit to the Nevermores. Lucily, she'd mad emany powerful friends, and one in particular named Xelos, who took her shattered body and repaired it, bringing it back to full life.
Ashlan semi-retired after that, and settled down with her husband and son. A year passed, and Ashlan found herself again pregnant. Delighted, she visted old friends in Drache to tell them of the event, and so came out of her semi retierment. The Nevermores of course, had not forgotten. When she had killed herself, she'd sent Niko, one of their own, screaming back to the Abyss. They wanted revenge.
Cathcing her unawares one evening, Niko's "sister", caught her in the Blackdragon Inn one evening close to the end of her pregnancy, and proceeded to rip the not yet born girl right from her mothers womb..
Ashlan survived this only barely, and was devestated. She missed her daughter and wated her back with every fiber of her being. For she knew she was alive and in the Nevermores posession. She became obsessed. First with ehr daughters return. And then, after she was killed and brought back as a Nevermore, for the groups utter destruction. This caused a rift between her and her husband. They'd suffered so much at the hands of these firnds, and yet Ashlan couldn't and wouldn't give up going after them. The two drifted apart and finally sperated, her husband taking their son off somewhere far more safe.
The nevermores drifted away as well, since Ashlans obsession had alienated a good many of her friends as well, but she managed to track one such Nevermore down in the cold dar woods on a winters eve, begging for her daughetr back. her rewarded her dilligence by rapeing her and leaving her there to die. That Nevermore's brother (for he'd once been a fae and brother still was) found her and carried her back to his place to heal and help her.