Kellan Mistwood-von Stahl, half even daugter to the, some say, infamous Arton Mistwood, and twin sister to Cassidy Mistwood, a commander in Drache's Royal Guard. Neither sister had it easy. Their father, Govenor of Elvendeep, was a busy man who always seemed to have more time for the people of the city than he did for his young daugters and his human wife, but neither sister really cared that much. Born into positions of responsability, they spent most of their younger years trying to avoid that responsability. Closer than any hbeing could be to another and still stay an individual, Cassidy and Kellan were insperable, planning their mischief and adventures with one mind. But as they grew older, they invariably drifted apart, Kellan moving more toward her mother, and Cassidy to their father, each trying emulate their repective parent. When their mother, a griffon rider for the the Elvendeep militia, was killed in an ambush, kellan was devestated, and tried turning toward the only parent left, only to find her dedicted and stern father, had become some cold, unfeeling abomination. She recoiled from him and nursed her own grief as even her own twin seemed to retreat with their father into an icy shell in response to Sora Mistwoods death. Time passed, and while all wounds didn't heal, al least they no longer bled. then another tragedy befell the mistwood twins when their father was assasinated and they were forced to flee lest his killers turn their blades toward his only living heirs. The two young women made their way to drache, where their mother had been from origonally. With a little time and alot of work, the two started carving an annaonymous life for themselves, untill that was, cassidy decided to join the royal guard in a bid to gain citizenship and thus protection should any of their fathers enemies come looking for them