Kiera was the second child born to Wild elf parents, deep in the DreadWoods. As leader of their tribe, she recieved benifits that ohers didn't, yet she had always felt disatisfied, as if she thought she belonged somewhere else. When several traders made it as far as their village, and began telling facinating stories of grand adventures, far off lands, and vast riches, she decided to leave the slowly smothering safety of home, and seek her fortune.
She travled to the distant city of Greyhawk where her adventures were myrriad and lengthy, but that is another story for another time.
After years of sorrow and heartbreak, on her last adventure, she lost everyone that she cared about. The man she would marry, her cousin, and the rest of her friends she had travled with for many years, through a freak backlash of magic that sent her careening across worlds. When she awoke, in a strange world, her body and soul still aching from her travle, she travled as best she was able to a sea side town by the name of Drache. Eager to forget her past and start anew, she used her rather impressive thieving skills to set herself up a small nest egg in which to make this new life as comfortable as possible.
It was then that she met two people that would forever change her life. The first was Rean... a disafected knight that seemed to search desperately for something he couldn't name. And the second Aystan, a paladin that had missed years of his life, trapped in a limbo brought about by his own rightiousness.
Two less likely people than kiera and Aystan could never have been dreamed up by the bards, but the two fell in love against all reason. A love that the both of them understood was unique. Something that would keep the cold and lonlieness away. They embraced eachother heart, soul, and body, pledging their love and their lives to eachother, though no such vows were ever taken formaly. Because before they could, Kiera found out from Rean, that she had a family she never knew about. A mother and father that had loved her so much that they would rather never see her again. Sent her away to a far off land and world, to protect her against the vileness that had infected her uncle.
Brothers... a heritage that streached back, both magical and mundane, and a legacy of madness and evil. Her family, from ages past had merged their bloodlines with those of dragons, ensuring power, honor, elegence, and strength would be passed down to the myrriad of children that were to come, and indeed they were. But some members of the family saw this as a tool in which they could use to gain them power and riches. Such was the Tyoris's fate, that by that time, the dragon blood had become so diluted, that the ability to change into the draconic form, was passed only to the female of the line, and Kieras uncle Domikian, sought to use her for his own devices. But her mother, knowing this, managed to secret her away, thus keeping her safe untill the time when she could come back and help her brothers.
Rean, a noble soul, having grown up under the assumption that his family, except for a corrupt brother by the name of Darwin, were dead, fought vainly against the tide of corruption that had killed his parents and almsot every other living reletive he knew. When he told kiera of her heritage, she imdiately agreed to help... her own love for Aystan having eased the bitterness and selfishness that had grown there over the years.
So brother and sister were united, both in affection and a commen goal. To stop Darwin and their uncle from attaning a goal of useing Kieras newly found abilities and Reans devotion to her. They struggled to stop him, but in the end, their uncle used Darwins affinity with demons, to infect them with an evil poison, that turned them into demons themselves.
By theis time, Kiera had become pregnant and had her twins, Merridath and Aystan junior. The poison working through her system, turning her against her husband to be, and leaving little in the way of maternal feelings for her two newborns. Eventually, through Aystans courage, and the dedication of some very dear friends she and her brother were able to break Domikians evil, and eventually destroy him.
But just as things were begining to settle down, Aystan was called to defend his god in a dstant land. Again, weding plans were called off, and Kiera was left alone, to care for their children. Months passed and Kiera went less and less into Drache. She found a decent sized cabin outisde of drache in a natural clearing and moved her children there, and they were fairly happy untill a wearry knight showed up on her doorstep one evning, bloody from battle, carring a token that that turned her heart first to a coal of agoney in her chest, and then to ice.
He carried with him, Aystans shield. Bloodied and battered, and pierced through the center. He told her in a halting voice of his valient fight against an evil lord. How even though they were vastly outnumbered, he had rallied the troops a final time, but sadly, fell in battle. Kiera sat there for what seemed ages. The Knight had quietly left, leaving the shield placed on the mantle, and she stared at it, her mind and heart trying to come to grips with the knowlage that she would never see the other half of her heart again.
She eventually broke it to her children. Merry took it with the same, slightly peevish stoisism that she took everything, but even though he was barely a year old, Aystan junior cried as if his heart would break, doing what for some reason, Kiera could not. For weeks, both children woke from dreams, calling out their fathers name, forcing Kiera to shove her own ripping grief to a small corner, where she promised herself she would deal with it later, in order to comfort the only things besides her memories that was left of her love.
The months passed, and the twins nigtmares came with less and less regularity, and Kiera found that her beloved had left her a final gift in the form of new life. She would bear another child from their union, and she would pour all the love that she could not show the husband of her heart, to the children he left behind.