Brin Winter was the youngest of two, born to a horse trainer and his wife up north on the mainland in Arangoth. Her older brother Jorden, a good five years her senior, was overjoyed to have a new playmate, though was quite upset when he found out that all she did was cry and sleep.

Her father on the other hand ... was less than thrilled at the new addition he'd have to feed on the income of a not so thriving horse farm. To him, Jorden was more than enough. Strong, handsome, he'd do well when the farm was left to him. All that a girl was good for in his eyes, was marrying well, though he doted on his wife.

As Brin grew, her fathers indifference was openly displayed, and though her mother tried to console her, telling the young girl that was just his way, she saw how he treated Jorden, with an open respect and affection. Brin was small and clumsy growing up, and her father never tried to hide his irritation, even contempt when she simply couldn't do all of the things that Jorden could do. And privately .. when they were alone, his belittlement's and snide remarks, aimed to destroy what little self esteem her mother nurtured, sent her into tears on more than one occasion, though she refused to ever tell her mother what the problem was.

Her mother was no dummy, she knew, but also knew that anything she said would only make it worse. Despite her father, Brin grew into a lovely young lady, nearly a constant companion to her brother and confidant. Jorden always stuck up for Brin when his father was particularly harsh, pointing out that she had a natural affinity with horses. far more than he had himself. Her fathers gift for all to see, and for that alone he would have been her hero.

When Brin was twelve, a terrible tragedy struck. Her mother and brother had set out the day before for town, a half days travel to pick up supplies that they would need since a storm would be coming within the next week. All who lived in the country knew when bad weather approached.

Brin went to bed, certain that her sibling and mother would be home by noon, and wondering what special treat she'd make with the goods she brought home. It was a family ritual. But that morning when she woke, she could tell the storm had arrived much earlier than expected. And just as certain, her mother and brother would try to beat it home.

She stood in the door yard of her parents home and and watched the ominous clouds roll in, the wind take a bit to it .. She knew her father was out there with the horses, keeping the fires going so they wouldn't freeze to death, and Jorden and her mother were out in this stuff somewhere, coming back from town. She KNEW it. Her father said she was crazy, that they would never set out if they knew this was going to hit.

He was wrong .. somehow .. she knew her mom had wanted to be back for the birth of Blackie's colt .. she was the only one that had ever been able to do anything with the headstrong mare, and her colt would be a prized addition to their stables. she'd tried to talk her father into going out to meet them half way, he'd called her stupid and refused, and had forbade her to do it herself, saying she was needed at home.

When the storm had started at midday she'd tried again to convince her father to go out for them .. the snow had been light. Her father again had refused, convinced they would show up within the hour. They hadn't .. and darkness had descended and the storm was howling in earnest, yet here she stood, looking into the blinding whiteness, waiting hopelessly for any sign of them as the cold invaded her soul.

Three days later after the storm had passed, a search party of nearby folk, along with her and her father had gone looking for them. They'd found the Cart, loaded down with supplies stuck in a snow drift, and a half mile from there, in the wrong direction from home, they found the bodies of her brother and mother, huddled to together where they'd frozen to death.

Brin had raged, and accused her father. Inconsolable, she ignored her fathers temper an paid for it with a severe beating. After she'd healed, she grabbed everything of hers that she could carry, slipped out of the house before dawn and stolen Dee Dee, heading south, as far away from the cold and her fathers equally icy soul as she could get.

She finally arrived on the Isle of Myst and joined the Guard there. it was here that she met Rue Denali. Strong, handsome, a bit quirky, and so kind. She fell head over heels for him, tagging along like some overeager puppy in his wake. She'd set her sights on him, and nothing would stop her. not even the fact that he didn't love her. The had many adventures together, no the least of which was going up against the avatar of Takhisis that threatened to take over all of the land.

They became lovers, and through a spring and summer .. six months of bliss was hers, but like everything else that she wanted so very much, it was snatched away from her when a confrontation between her and the woman Rue -really- loved, Lani Prai, happened, and Brin's heart was shattered into a million painful pieces at the realization that he really -didn't- love her.

She turned into the arms of Andor Fyre, a dragon that could take human form, but it was then that she found she carried Rue's child .. or rather children. A boy and a girl, and perhaps somewhere, deep in her heart, she hoped this would win him back to her side, but it seemed to frighten and exhilarate him at the same time, and it was then that she heard from him, that he thought himself cursed, and feared for the unborn children.