I hope this turns out as well as I have it envisioned in my mind. This link will change continually with the seasons of the year. I will be posting songs, and rituals for pagan celebrations, so stay tuned
Basic Wiccan Philosophy
Wicca, or witchcraft, is as earth religion- a re-linking with the lifeforce of nature, both on this planet and in the stars and space beyond. In city apartments, in suburban backyards, in country glades, groups of women and men meet on the full moons and at festival times to raise energy and put themselves in tune with these natural forces. They honor the old Goddesses and Gods, including the Tripple Goddess of the waxing, full and waning moon and the Horned God of the sun and animal life, as visualizations of immanent nature
Our religion is not a series of precepts of beliefs, rather we believe that we each have within ourselves the capacity to reach out and experience the mystery- that feeling an ineffable oneness with all life. Those who wish to experience this transcendence must work, and create, and participate in their individual religious lives. For this reason our congregations, called covens, are small groups which give room for each individual to contribute to the efforts of the group by self-knowlage and creative experementation within the agreed-upon group structure or tradition
There are many traditions or sects within the Craft. Different groups take their inspiration from the pre-Christian religions of certain ethnic groups (e.g. Celtic, Greek, Norse, Finno-Ugric); in the liturgical works of some modern Witch poet or scholar (e.g. Gerald Gardner, Z Budapest, Alex Saunders, Starhawk); or by seeking within themselves for inspiration and direction. Many feminists have turned to Wicca and the role of priestess for healing and strength after the patriarchal oppression and lack of voice for women in the major world religions.
There are many paths to spiritual growth. Wicca is a participatory revelation, a celebratory action leading to greater understanding of oneself and the universe. We believe there is much to learn by studying our past, through myth, through ritual drama, through poetry and song, through love and through loving in harmony with the Earth.
Follow these links to learn more about Witchcraft, the sabbats, and the ethical questions concerning the Craft
Ethics in Circle
The ethical considerations of a solitary are going to be different than those of a circle. Unfortunately, the most common ethical problems among Wiccans occur between members of the same circle. Circle leaders have a responsibility to use their power carefully. Is it ethical for a circle leader to make a profit on circle activities? Is it okay to have circle members do a High priestess' personal chores for free? What happens when a couple in a circle split up? How does the circle deal with the conflicts between it's members? If you are uncomfortable with the ehtical conduct of your circle, then I would highly recommend finding a new one.
Empaths and Telepaths
Empaths and telepaths must be carefull not to reveal information that others thought was hidden. This is not as easy as it might sound. I am a strong empath and have blurted out observations that seemed obvious to me, but which were actually carefully concealed feelings, unseen by most casual observers. I have learned to keep my mouth shut unless the circumstances are dire enough to warrent the risk of hurting someone unintentionally.
Ethics of Spells
Some magical acts will expose you in ways that you had not considered. A binding spell will do more than bind your target... it will bind you to them as well. An aggressive magical act will leave you open to attack from others. A working designed to create a false impression will make it hard for you to percieve the truth about others
Healing spells, spells for peace and resolution, and spells that impart strength and wisdom, are designed to make the world you live in a better place, and shouldn't create many ethical dilemmas. You may feel, as some do, that performing a healing spell on someone whose permission has not been asked is a violation of their free will. If I ever attain a degree in medical proficiancy that allows me to completely heal somebody--whether they want to be healthy or not--then i will contemplate that knotty ethical issue. Should you feel unsure about it, you can turn your healing energy over to the Godess and let HER use it to heal your loved one if SHE wills it so.
It is wise, when doing a magical working that is intended to affect another person, to contemplate whether or not you would want the same thing done to you. I avoid using magic as retribution because I am not omnipotent. Everyone has, at some point, been the victim of false accusation and rumor. There might be something i don't know about the situation that would make my retribution the greater crime. Therefor I avoid taking justice into my own hands and instead I invoke the Ancient Greek Godess of justice, Nemesis, and let HER handle it.
Greek godess of love and ethical matters of the heart.
Greek godess; protector of wild creatures and the young.
Celtice Great Godess; protector of families and clans.
Roman godess of fair business practices.
The Furries:
Greek godesses of retribution.
Greek godess; protectors of wives and mothers.
Greek god of trade and commerce.
Egyptian godess of truth.
Brazilian godess of justice and memory.
Hindu god of jusgment.
By D.J. Conway; Refrence: Llewellyn's Witches Calender
To most people today, a familar is a witch's companion. a small animal "pet" that helps the witch with magic. The idea of the familar is a very ancient concept and is general applied to such creatures as cats, dogs, ferrets, toads, snakes, and some birds. Unfortunately, familiars have been given negetive connotations by those who know nothing about them and don't bother to sperate fact from propaganda.
Anyone can have a familar. You may already have an actual physical familiar living in your home in the guise of a pet. You can also attract an astral-boddied animal familiar. This can be a partiular creature that is impossible to have as a "pet" in the physical.
Most people have at least a little knowlage about the power animals of the native americantraditions. Howerver, the Native Americans were not the only ones who knew ogf and used the powers of familiar, which is what power animals are. For centuries, European culktures called upon animal allies in shamanistic rites. European shamanism eventually evolved into Wicca and Paganism.
Types of Familiars
There are different types of familiars. The first kind is an actual physical creature who lives with and has a rapport with a human. These familars are the ones who establish a psychic link with the hiuman of their choice.
The second kind of familiar is an astral creature of anilam form that attaches itself to a human for the purpose of aiding the human. This type of familiar can be a creature can't be kept in the house, and can be drawn to the human by the persons intense rappoert with it. it may also appear because of a specific need within the humans life. Deceased pets sometimes return in this capacity.
The third catagory of familiar is the elemental spirit or otherwold entity. Although ceremonial magicians sometimes call upon such an elemental to inhabit an object, such as a talisman, statue. cystal, magic mirrir, or piece of jewlery, most magicians do DO NOT command or imprison such beings. The mythical, fantastic beasts and such entities as faeries and brownies often work as familiars and co-magicians in magic
Even if your circumstances prohibit you from having a physical "pet," you are never barred from having an astral familiar. Common sense should tell you that having a panther or bear in the house is imposible, if not illegal. Allergies may prohibit you from sharing you life with an animal, but you can enjoy the companionship of an astral creature safely and completely. The only restrictions are your own desires to be friends with such a familiar, to learn from them, and to grow spritually and magically.
Benefits of Familiars
The familiar (physical, astral, or elemental) can help you by strengthening your magical power. Some physical creatures do this by actually being in the room whenever you work a ritual
Familiars can improve your life by warning you of danger, or defending you when danger arises. Animals, such as cats and dogs, can warn you when danger is present by hissing, growling, and even refusing to enter a room if someone they consider questionable is there. They will also awaken their owners durring the night to alert them to fires, intruders, or other potential disasters. Quite often they will refuse to enter an area that has a malicious, troublesome ghost.
An example of subtle warning is when a cat or dog leaves the room when a particular person enters, or when an animal avoids a person altogether. the animal may sit and stare at the questionable person. If you listen to these warnings, and are truthfull to yourself about the person in question, you will find in some way that the person is not compatable with or healthy for you.
Animals are also good healers. They seem to know when someone they care about is sick. It doesn't matter to them whether the illness is emotional or physical. They get as close as they can and send comforting, healing vibrations.
When it comes to strengthening magical power durring a ritual or spell working, there is nothing better than a familiar. Some physical creatures simply can't be kept out of the room when magical happenings are in progress. The buildup of energy draws them like a magnet. You can tell if your "pet" is a true familiar if the power builds even more with his or her presence. A very few pets like some people, siphon off energy, but this is rather rare in the animal kingdom than it is among humans.
A good familiar can also let you know by telepathy and subtle actions whether or not you're useing the appropriate type of magical proceedure. If you aren't, they sometimes become disruptive untill you listen to them. Usually only an addjustment in viewpoint of the desired result is nessisary to bring back their help.
Another benefit of familiars is learninf certain techniques from them. By studying a creature a magician can learn how to temporarily adopt some of their traits which may be nessisary to cope with a situation. For example, you may find yourself wanting to make a stealthy exit from a crowded room. By concentrating on the quetness of a mouse or the cunning of a fox, it is possible to leave the room without notticed. in a way, this is becoming "invisible."
Physical or astral familiars are frequent companions during astral travels or meditations. they are protectors and guides in the otherworld realms. Often by following them, you are led to new sources of information and understanding, particularly those of a spiritual nature.
There is nothing evil about having a familiar, whether they creatures of the earth plane or the astral plane. Non-pagans sometimes do not understand the companionship and working relationship between pagans and their familiars, and sometimes fear the very idea of familiars. However, having a familiar makes one more aware of the connection between humans and all other creatures, and the more intricate connection between all creatures (human and otherwise) and the universal source of spiritual power.