These are a few books and authors that you would do well to take a look at. they privide alot of information that many have found usefull
*1) Margot Adler- Drawing Down The Moon
*2) Starhawk- The Spiral Dance, Dreaming the dark, Truth or Dare, The Fifth Sacred Thing
*3) Marian Weinstein- Positive Magic, Earth Magic: A Dianic book of Shadows
*4) Doreen Valiente- Where Witchcraft Lives, Natural Magic, An ABC of Witchcraft Past and Present, Witchcraft for Tomorrow, Witchcraft, a Tradition Reknewed (with Evan Jones)
*5) Janet and Stewart Farrar- What Witches do, Eight Dabbats for Witches, The Witche's Way, The Witches Goddess, The Witches God
(actually anything by the Farrars or Gavin Bone)6) Gerald Gardner- The Meaning of Witchcraft, Witchcraft Today
7) Pauline and Dan Campanelli- Wheel of the Year, Ancient Ways, Circles, Groves and Sanctuaries, Rites of Passage
**8) Scott Cuningham- Wicca for the Solitary Practitioner, The truth About Witchcraft Today, The Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews, The Magical Household, Magical Herbalism (and many many more!)
9)Margaret Murray- The God of the Witches,The Witch Cult in Western Eirope (hard to find early anthropological works)
10)Robert Graves- The White Goddess (ditto as above)
11)Merlin Stone- When God Was a Woman, Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood
12)Sybil Leek- The Complete Art od Witchcraft
**13)Amber K- True Magic, How to Star a Coven or Magiickal Study Group, The Pagan Kids Activity Book, A Treasury of Coven Activities, The Goddess Coloring Book (with Muriel), Covencraft
14)Barbara Walker- Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets, Crone
**15)Riane Eisler- The Chalice and the Blade, The Partnership Way
8)Kerr Cuhulain- Law Enforcement Guide to Wicca (written by a law enforcement professional for law enforcement professionals, this manual provides a clear and concise examination of the religion of Wicca, otherwise known as Witchcraft)
(* = Highly recomended)
(** = Very Highly Recomended)TO ORDER: Horned Owl Publishing, 3906 Cadboro Bay RD. Victoria, B.C. V8N 4G6