In Memorium for my brother John Robert Riley

Good Bye

Sweet day--you will return no more, Nor bring again that change of shade and sun; Whatever future days may have in store, This tranquil life of thine is spent and done.

Good-bye, sweet day, then, if it must be so, But let me thank you once before you go.

All I have thought and done is past--yet stays Unalterable now, sealed fast and set; The future's mine to mold, the wise man says, By what is past remains--'tis we forget.

Grant that I may in strength and wisdom grow To love each day that comes, and use it so.

This is dedicated to my brother, John. Though we may have never really gotten along, I always loved you and will always remember you.

And now for a little pictorial history of our lives ...

Muh Baby Brother-1 Month

Muh Baby Brother-3 Months

Muh Baby Brother-6 Months

In loving memory dear brother, may you have found the rest and new begining you so richly deserve.